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How to cope with anxiety in the age of uncertainty

Anxiety is a normal and healthy emotion that helps us deal with challenging or threatening situations. However, when anxiety becomes excessive, persistent, or irrational, it can interfere with our daily functioning and well-being. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health problems in the world, affecting millions of people of all ages and backgrounds.

Gen Z, the generation born between 1997 and 2012, is particularly vulnerable to anxiety. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, more than one-third of young adults ages 18 to 23 said that their mental health was worse now than at the same time last year. This is higher than any other age group.

Why is gen z so anxious, and what can they do to cope?

The causes of anxiety for gen z

There are many factors that contribute to the high levels of anxiety among gen z. Some of the most common ones are:

- The COVID-19 pandemic. The global health crisis has disrupted the lives of gen z in unprecedented ways. They have faced lockdowns, school closures, social isolation, online learning, health risks, and economic uncertainty. Many have lost loved ones, jobs, or opportunities due to the pandemic. The pandemic has also increased the exposure to negative news, misinformation, and stress.

- The climate crisis. Gen Z is the generation that will inherit the consequences of climate change, such as rising temperatures, extreme weather events, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. They are aware of the urgency and the complexity of the problem, but also feel frustrated and powerless about the lack of action from the governments and the corporations. They worry about their future and the future of the planet.

- The social media. Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with constant connectivity and exposure to social media. While social media can have positive effects, such as providing information, entertainment, and social support, it can also have negative effects, such as fostering feelings of comparison, cyberbullying, and information overload. Social media can also distort the reality and create unrealistic expectations for gen z.

- The career pressure. Gen Z is entering a highly competitive and uncertain job market, where they have to deal with automation, globalization, and digitalization. They have to constantly update their skills and adapt to the changing demands of the employers. They also face the challenges of finding meaningful work, balancing work and life, and managing their finances⁶.

The coping strategies for gen z

Anxiety can be overwhelming and debilitating, but it can also be managed and overcome. There are many effective coping strategies that gen z can use to reduce their anxiety and improve their mental health. Some of the most helpful ones are:

- Seek professional help. If anxiety is interfering with your daily life, or causing you significant distress, you should seek professional help from a qualified mental health provider. There is much evidence-based treatments for anxiety disorders, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination of both. You can also access online resources, such as us, (the commons media) apps, websites, or podcasts, that can provide you with information, guidance, and support.

- Practice self-care. Self-care is the act of taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It can include activities such as eating well, sleeping enough, exercising regularly, meditating, relaxing, or doing something you enjoy. Self-care can help you cope with stress, boost your mood, and enhance your resilience.

- Connect with others. Social connection is one of the most powerful antidotes to anxiety. It can provide you with emotional support, practical help, and a sense of belonging. You can connect with others by reaching out to your friends, family, or community, or by joining online groups, forums, or platforms that share your interests or values. You can also seek peer support from people who have similar experiences or challenges as you.

- Take action. Taking action can help you reduce your anxiety by giving you a sense of control, purpose, and achievement. You can take action by setting realistic and attainable goals, breaking them down into small and manageable steps, and rewarding yourself for your progress. You can also take action by getting involved in causes or movements that you care about, such as climate change, social justice, or mental health awareness. You can use your voice, skills, or resources to make a positive difference in the world.

Anxiety is a common and normal emotion, but it can also become a serious problem for gen z. Gen z faces many challenges and uncertainties in the age of COVID-19, climate change, social media, and career pressure. However, gen z also has many strengths and opportunities to cope with anxiety and thrive in the future. By seeking professional help, practicing self-care, connecting with others, and taking action, gen z can overcome their anxiety and improve their mental health. Gen z is not alone, and they are not hopeless. They are the generation that can change the world for the better.

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